Week 04

Lilly Yeh

For Class #4 –

Optional material:

Visit the Village of Arts and Humanities website. Read a profile of this amazing organization.

Read about the pottery of Mata Ortiz.

Pot from Mata ortiz

For Class 7 – Project #4 – here is your Alternative Space Explorations assignment.

19 responses to “Week 04

  1. I liked the idea of working with a team and being able to coordinated work…presenting is something I need help with so this was good. I also found the discussion of spaces in relation to art. This helps me because it will help better choose galleries that will support my art more efficiently.

  2. I also enjoyed working in a group because it gave me an opportunity to get to know people in our class on a more personal level which will reflect in class discussions. I think it was an informative class because we got to learn something about each others spaces. I’m looking foward to our next feild trip.

  3. Group presentations were very imformative and it was nice to see many of groups done very well. It seem everyone put lot of work into them. There were much more avaliable spaces than I knew about before. When we were discussing about Graffiti that I had not much idea about, someone mentioned that in Graffiti art the better work layover top of the most of the worst work. But Is there criteria in between Graffiti artist that i requires to be the best work? How is it judged by? And if going over someone’s work isn’t that as no respecting other’s artwork? May be or May be not? I don’t know if that includes in other art world.

  4. The presentations were a great way to better know the surroundings of the art institute, and what it has to offer. They reinforced themes from the first class … the importance of getting to know your surroundings and audience.

    Eunice raises some interesting questions regarding graffiti art that I think can be asked about the gallery world too … What makes for “good art”, and how is it judged? Who decides what and where it is displayed?

    As an aside … I have just had a thought on the nature of the blog and what is or is not being said. I find it difficult to post an accurate reflection, as I seem bound to be politically correct and do not want to be offensive. I find myself censoring comments or not posting comments BECAUSE the class can read them. How you guys feel about this … ?

  5. I thought the group presentations went over very well. Alot of groups put in alot of hard work into it and it showed. They were very informative, this is my second year here, and i still learned something new about the spaces.
    I enjoyed hearing about graffiti because i am also a big fan of its style, and theres a diffrence between someone just tagging there name up on a wall, as opposed to someone slapping a whole piece up. I think its hard though to really answer how it is judged, because there are people out there that just go out and “bomb” pieces, and jsut throwing the name out on top of everybodys work, thats just the life of a grafitti artist, you cant really expect your piece to be up forever.

  6. I think that by doing these group projects I’ve finally started to meet new people from the class. I think I’m beginning to make connections with my fellow classmates, and I’m starting to make conversation, where as, the first few weeks of class had been pretty quiet. It’s definitely nice to learn new things about people, especially with the wide array of backgrounds in the class. We’ve got people from Korea, California, Miami, Philly, DC, and all over the place. Many of these places that they are describing to me are foreign to me, and I may never get to see them myself. So, having these chances to network and just plain ol’ chat, is a great opportunity. I would like to see some more adventure in these projects. I think my group for the next project will definitely be trying to convey this. I would like to know if we are restricted to only powerpoint. I would LOVE to make a video or eve a sound piece for this project. Anyone else?

  7. A sound or video would be really cool, especially with this next project since the spaces are so varied. Last weeks spaces were interesting to look at, because they were all places we have all been to at least once or twice, and we got to learn new things about each. I think a lot of the next project places aren’t as familiar, so a video might be more informative than just pictures and text.

    Working with groups was fun; it’s definitely easier to get to know people when we aren’t in one big intimidating group. I’m looking forward to my next group project and seeing all the presentations!

  8. Group presentation was very oraganized and clear to understand it. It was extrmely helpful and interseting knowledge towards my life at SAIC. Different spaces that every groups researched were unforgettable ideas and descriptions. Thus, I earned so many informations about the galleries and museum’s system. In my opinion, we should make fun and ineresting group projects and the presentations, again.

  9. The presentation was very impressed and well- organized. I really enjoyed to listen each group presentation and I think group 4? (Rob’s group) did a good job. It was funny because of the way of Rob’s speech 🙂 Also, I got many new informations about the space that we presented. Working with groups is fun so, I hope my second presentation will be successed.

  10. i enjoyed the presentations, and i learn a great lesson on comunication… i also enjoyed group 4’s presentation.. it was right on the money …. i also loved finishing off those songs… its nice to put music to faces … and see what others are interested in…

  11. I’m glad the blog was brought up in class last week because, as of now, I do think it is kind of a drag. In response to Noelle’s comment, I think that people should be able to say whatever they want wether it is politically correct or not. I think it would prompt some passionate responses and at the very least spice things up a bit.

  12. Yes, the presentations were informative and it was good to learn about these close art spaces. It would be nice to maybe visit some of the galleries around chicago that aren’t connected to the school and get an idea of what the professional art world is like.

  13. I’m quite excited for the field trip for the next class. I think that is what got me excited about this class in the first place, is that we’d actually be able to leave the classroom and get out in the world and SEE art, not just look at slides and such. Plus it’s definitely easy to pay attention that way.
    I have to say I’m pretty confused about why we are doing these space analysis(sees?)
    Are we doing an installation?
    I’m a little confused…also I do NOT want to sit through more powerpoint presentations…they were presented as well as they could be I thought from last class but I think everyone can agree that there are MUCH more exciting ways to present info than a power point.

  14. I still liked the idea of sharing each other’s favorite music, and the idea of presenting by groups.
    Presentations were great, too, it was active; I could more concerntrate. I just keep think that our class size is just enough, too. I hope we could do more group works later.

  15. I thought the class was much more well thought out. I noticed the seating arrangements had changed, along where the instructors were seated. I enjoyed presenting my work, along with viewing others.

  16. Noelle: my response to your question is basically i find that people in general find it easier to express their voice and opinion via internet or type rather than through voice. It tends to be that people speak their true minds through text because there is no immediate opposition, as there is when confronting society in person.

  17. I enjoyed the presentation and the group work.
    I got to know more people and it was active

  18. Unfortunately I missed this class, but am excited for the next group project we are working on. I think that analyzing our environment is a very beneficial thing to do.

  19. The idea of group presentaion was nice, and a challenge to me who rarely had group work ever.
    I expect group work to be a chance for improving my presentation skill and for making friends.

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